Monday, November 12, 2007

water color painting: breeze

It's nice to have three days weekend. I've been digging in my closet, cleaning out my old junkie clothes. After sorting them out, I got space to stuff some more. So I went shopping. hehehe. I'm not learning.

Once in a while, I feel some urge to toss all the junk I have in my apartment. The most space occupying mess I got is my art stuff. I like buying those materials which make me feel so fresh to start up new project, but sometimes, I loose my creative energy on the path. So those materials sits on the corner of dusty dining area, which we don't use to dine in anyways.

I may work on that corner, cleaning out some of my canvas, start some new project on this thanks giving weekend. I need a chunk of time to start painting again.

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